2024/2025 Subscriptions - Ticket Discounts for packages of 5 concerts or more.

from CA$0.00

Subscriptions of between 5 and 14 concerts are only available for concerts listed under: Algoma Conservatory Concerts.

Please take a few minutes to read about the benefits of an annual subscription and donation - BELOW

Subscription and Donation Options:
Add To Cart

Subscriptions of between 5 and 14 concerts are only available for concerts listed under: Algoma Conservatory Concerts.

Please take a few minutes to read about the benefits of an annual subscription and donation - BELOW

Subscriptions of between 5 and 14 concerts are only available for concerts listed under: Algoma Conservatory Concerts.

Please take a few minutes to read about the benefits of an annual subscription and donation - BELOW

When ordering a subscription below there is a simple drop down menu, and you need to click on each item that you would like separately and then click ADD to Cart. You need to go back to the drop down menu and do this for each item separately.

For example, if you are adding a $100 donation and TWO - 7 Concert Adult series - then you would click on the donation and click ADD to Cart, and then go back to the drop down menu and click on the 7 Concert Adult Series, select 2 of them, and click ADD to Cart again. You cannot do both at the same time. You then scroll up to the top of the page, click on the shopping cart and check out using your credit card.

Concert Selection Form: A form will appear where you can make your concert choices. If there are two or more of you, but the concert choices are different - then please complete separate orders.

Paid Subscriptions: If you preordered the series in the Spring, then please click on the Prepaid Subscriber option and complete the concert selection form. You then need to check out by clicking on the Shopping Cart, just as if you were purchasing tickets - but there is no charge.



For over 30 years Algoma Conservatory Concerts has brought a full season of outstanding Canadian and international touring artists to Sault Ste. Marie - artists that you would otherwise have to travel to Toronto, Ottawa or New York to hear.

Your annual commitment as Season Subscribers and Contributors is what has made the series possible.


We are now offering concert packages of 5 or more concerts. You can choose any of the concerts listed under ALGOMA CONSERVATORY CONCERTS on our website. For 5, 6 or 7 concerts you only pay $30 per concert, and for every additional concert you only pay $25 per concert! The regular single ticket prices range from $35 to $45. The more you order the more you save. What is most exciting is that the series is now greatly expanded. Currently there are 19 concerts to choose from - and more to come. Don’t worry about your concert choices. As subscribers you have flexibility. You simply make your initial choices and then you can switch around as you wish for any concert in the 2024/2025 season (September 2024 through May 2025).


  1. View the concerts at our website under Events - Algoma Conservatory Concerts - and jot down your selection. Count the number of concerts (minimum of 5 concerts).

  2. Select the appropriate option under Ticket Options below. Ticket packages from 5 to 14 concerts are available. ADD TO CART

  3. Check the concerts you would like on the form that pops up (make sure it is the correct number of concerts).

  4. ADD THE FORM TO THE SHOPPING CART. Button is at the bottom of the form

  5. Consider adding a donation (under Subscription and Donation Options).

  6. Click on the Shopping Cart and Check Out with your credit card. You will receive an email with the full list of concerts that you checked on the form.

  7. Tickets are not sent. Your name will be at the door of the concerts that you selected.


  • Just go to the individual concert you would like on our website under Events - Algoma Conservatory Concerts - and select the ticket discount that applies to you.

  • Click on the Shopping Cart and Check Out with your credit card


  • The main benefit is that you will have a ticket!! Most of our concerts sold out last season.

  • SAVE! You save from $5 to $20 per concert. For 7 concerts the average is a savings of about $80 - like receiving two concerts free.

  • SAVE EVEN MORE IF YOU ARE 30 YEARS or UNDER - Just $25 per concert for subscriptions or individual concerts.

  • SWITCH CONCERTS: As a subscriber you have flexibility to substitute concerts in the same season with just an email to the Conservatory - guy@algomaconservatory.com As there are various presenters at The Loft - the concerts that you are substituting must be listed under Algoma Conservatory Concerts on our website. Choices will have a variety of genres, including Classical, Jazz and Singer/Songwriters. They must be in the 2024/2025 Season (September 2024 through May 2025).

  • EXTRA TICKETS: As subscribers you can purchase additional tickets to events at subscription prices. For example: If you are an 8 concert subscriber, all additional tickets are only $25! You can purchase two $45 tickets for friends for $25 each - $50 instead of $90! They make GREAT GIFTS and your tickets are fully transferrable. There will be a discounted price option for Subscribers under each concert listing.


It is the combination of our “CONCERT TEAM” of Subscribers and the additional contributions that makes it financially feasible to bring these exceptional touring artists to Sault Ste. Marie.

  • All concerts are fundraisers for the Conservatory with profits assisting to maintain this fabulous community music facility and its programs. As fundraising events we do not charge tax on the tickets - plus there are no ticketing fees on our website. Please consider making a donation that at least equals the tax and fees that often would be charged - $50 or more per subscription!

  • A charitable receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for all donations.

    Donation Categories:

    Friend: $50 Patron: $100

    Benefactor: $200 Supporter: $300

    Concert Sponsor: $400 or more

Thank You for making our 33rd Season possible!

Guy Traficante - Artistic Director - Algoma Conservatory Concerts